• 毕业典礼上的信息

    毕业周快乐! 如果你还需要你的雨票或荣誉勋章, they will be available for you at check-in on Friday (Hickory campus).

    学生报到时间是周五下午4:30.m. 在舒福德体育馆. 客人们被要求在下午5点半前就座.m.

    Any changes to the commencement schedule will be posted here. 




发现小的, supportive campus community at Lenoir-Rhyne University is an amazing place for living and learning on the way to obtaining your degree.

全球网赌十大网站的社区热情地拥抱未知. 全球网赌十大网站的好奇心驱使全球网赌十大网站去探索新的想法, 渴望知识, 并以大胆的方式与世界接触. United by our liberal arts mission, we make it a point to know who you are and where you want to go. Your professors will know you by name, and will challenge you in ways you never imagined.

在LR, you’ll be inspired and prepared to make your mark in the world.


成立于1891年, 勒努瓦-雷恩大学是男女同校的, private liberal arts institution with 50+ under研究生 degree programs and 20+ 研究生 degree programs. 劳氏学院招收了近2700名本科生和研究生.

在LR, 全球网赌十大网站努力发展整个人, 解放思想和精神, 澄清个人信仰, 培养身体的完整性, 建立社区意识 and promote responsible leadership for service to the world.

全球网赌十大网站的主校区在山胡桃, 北卡罗莱纳, 哪里同时提供本科和研究生学位. The university also offers 研究生 degree programs on our campuses in Asheville, 北卡罗莱纳, 和哥伦比亚, 南卡罗来纳. Our Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary is also in Columbia. LR is affiliated with the 北卡罗莱纳 Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and welcomes 学生 from all religious backgrounds.

We encour年龄 you to learn more about the exceptional academic and experiential learning opportunities at Lenoir-Rhyne University.

  • 使命宣言

    追求人的全人发展, 勒努瓦-雷恩大学寻求思想和精神的解放, 澄清个人信仰, 培养身体的完整性, 建立社区意识, and promote responsible leadership for service in the world.

    As an institution of the 北卡罗莱纳 Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the university holds the conviction that wholeness of personality, true vocation and the most useful service to God and the world are best discerned from the perspective of Christian faith.

    作为一个学习社区, 这所大学提供本科生课程, 研究生, and continuing study committed to the liberal arts and sciences as a foundation for a wide variety of careers and as guidance for a meaningful life.

  • 愿景

    Our goal is to be a nationally recognized liberal arts institution of choice — known for our excellence in building leaders for tomorrow, 发展终身学习模式, positioning our 研究生s for success in their professional, personal and spiritual lives and providing an unparalleled quality of caring within our university community.

  • Lenoir-Rhyne University espouses a set of values designed to inform us, 作为教育界的一员, in our personal development and our interactions with others. These values establish our principles of operation as an organization. They furnish guidance and assurance to each member of our community, and they help us to see how everyone’s contributions improve the life of our university.

    These principles are made manifest through our daily actions, and they are fully realized only when embraced by everyone in our community. Constant and consistent attention to these core values will cultivate the continuous improvement of our institution, 会协助全球网赌十大网站完成任务吗, and will direct us toward realizing our vision as a university.

    • 卓越
      全球网赌十大网站将在全球网赌十大网站所做的一切中追求卓越. We will continuously cultivate our intellectual, physical, and spiritual growth. We will develop our talents and abilities to their fullest extents.
    • 完整性
      全球网赌十大网站将始终诚信行事. 全球网赌十大网站将相互尊重,坦诚相待. We will take personal responsibility for our words and our actions.
    • 护理
      We will care about others in our learning and working relationships. 全球网赌十大网站将负责管理全球网赌十大网站的资源. We will support each other and work together toward the common good.
    • 好奇心
      全球网赌十大网站将从过去和现在的社会中学习. We will confront important issues with humility and open minds. We will embrace the gains attained from the diversity of people and perspectives.

LR's music program has made me blossom into the person I am today. 他们真的关心你,在课堂内外. 他们希望看到你成功.

卡琳娜全部 '21,音乐教育


无论你是在寻找一个安静的地方学习, 有机会和一生的朋友一起放松和探索, 劳氏为你提供校内或校外的保险. 

全球网赌十大网站在山胡桃的校园, Asheville 和哥伦比亚 are surrounded by thriving cities that offer great opportunities for internships, 社区服务或娱乐娱乐.

不歧视 & 平等的机会

Lenoir-Rhyne University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 国家的起源, 公民身份, 宗教, 政治面貌, 年龄, 婚姻状况, 性/性别包括性取向和性别认同, 身体或精神残疾, 遗传信息, pregnancy or veteran status in any educational programs and activities, 包括招生.

Lenoir-Rhyne’s policy of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity extends to all aspects of employment, 包括, 但不限于, 招聘, 招聘, 培训, 促销活动, 转移, 重新分配, 降级, 纪律, 放电, 绩效评估, 薪酬及福利.

We are committed to providing an environment that promotes non-discrimination, 为教师提供平等的机会和包容, 工作人员, 学生, 承包商, 义工及访客.



全球赌博十大网站 & 事件


Lenoir-Rhyne University will honor student-athlete 亚历山大大 with a posthumous degree during the Hickory campus commencement ceremony on Friday, 5月10日.


被回馈社会的欲望所驱使, Dylan Foster '24 has a talent for bringing people together and encouraging them to go further.
